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Title: Souffl‚s au Roquefort
Categories: Cheese Starter French Translation
Yield: 6 Servings

100gHeavy cream
5 Egg yolk
10 Egg white

Name: "Roquefort Souffles"

To prepare the bechamel sauce, put butter in a 1 quart saucepan on low heat, when melt, add flour and cook 1 min to a white roux, add milk whisking constantly, season to taste with a drop of pepper and a pinch of nutmeg, cook over low heat for 15 minutes, stirring from time to time. The obtained sauce should be slightly thick. Reserve. Break the Roquefort in coarse crumbs; pour cream in a large saucepan, reduce to half on high heat; add bechamel, whisking vigourously, to obtain a smooth sauce; season to taste with salt and pepper, add the roquefort and continue to whisk until melted; remove from heat, add egg yolks one by one, stirring well. Beat egg whites to a stiff peak, incorporate in the roquefort batter, using a wooden spatula. Butter generously six individual souffle moulds. Pour the batter in moulds evenly. Sprinkle with roquefort crumbs (optional). Bake in a pre-heated oven at 230C/445F for 15 minutes. Serve immediately.

Original comments: 1) This recipe is delicious, not so hardly done, souffles puff up very well, but you have NOT to use moulds greater than ramequins for THE perfect result; use two moulds per guest if needed... 2) Beware to salt! Roquefort is already somewhat salted... And, it is perhaps not so a good dish for cholesterol-impaired! ;-) 3) Last detail, as for all souffles, fold in the whites DELICATELY, stirring the batter up, or else, with all the lost of air bubbles, they won't lift up so high! ;-)

Added comments: 1) To avoid oversalting, it should be better to season the batter after melting the roquefort. 2) You should replace Roquefort by another french blue of similar consistancy, or eventually a Bavarian blue. It should also be possible to attempt using Gorgonzola instead, but you will then certainly have to compensate the smoother taste by addition of 2 ts celery salt, or 1 1/2 ts celery salt and 1/2 ts curry powder. Not tested, however.

Post and original comments by MichŠle Maheux Translation, added comments and MMedition by Denis Cl‚ment, 07/1997
